
Shaker Hill Granite Limited One Year Warranty

The stone materials used in your home have been cut from premium quality stone that has been selected by Shaker Hill Granite for its natural color, grain structure, and durability characteristics based upon your specified criteria. Shaker Hill Granite is proud to be the fabricator and installer of the natural stone in your home.

Our warranty applies to stone installed in its original location by a Shaker Hill Granite trained professional and becomes null and void if the stone is moved in any way from its original installation location or has been serviced or treated by any party other than Shaker Hill Granite. This warranty covers only the materials and workmanship supplied by Shaker Hill Granite and expressly excludes defects in materials or workmanship supplied by any party other than Shaker Hill Granite.

This warranty does not cover surface scratches, stains, etching or any defects that arise as a result of normal wear and tear, abuse, or are naturally occurring in the stone. This warranty does not cover defects that arise as a result of structural movement or the expansion and contraction of substrates. This warranty does not cover the cost of any repairs or replacements undertaken prior to your receipt of claim verification from Shaker Hill Granite.

Any claim against this warranty must be submitted in writing to Shaker Hill Granite. Within thirty days of receipt of a claim, Shaker Hill Granite will contact you to arrange for a Shaker Hill Granite field inspector to inspect the stone. Upon verification by the Shaker Hill Granite field inspector of a valid claim made against this warranty, Shaker Hill Granite will, at its option, repair or replace, in whole or in part, the affected material. Failure to reasonably cooperate with Shaker Hill Granite after the submission of a claim shall void all warranties.

The cost of repair or replacement shall be the the responsibility Shaker Hill Granite or its authorized representatives and includes the labor charges necessary to repair or replace the stone material. This warranty covers only the labor and material costs associated with the removal and replacement of the defective stone. If replacement of the stone is deemed necessary, replacement will be made with a stone marketed by Shaker Hill Granite at the time of replacement, that is as nearly identical as possible.

DuPont StoneTech offers a 15 Year Residential Stain Warranty Plan for $250. Shaker Hill Granite Company applies the sealer at the time of installation. For More information go to StoneTech